

So, I've been spending all my free time this week working on papercraft projects. I've gotten pretty good, I think, mostly because I'm a perfectionist about cutting. I'll try to post some pictures of the one's I've done next week, or possibly even today. Depends on if I feel like dragging out my iPhone cable or not.

So far I've build Derek the Toast Ninja, Rommy-02, and Stubey. They look okay, though I could be a lot happier with Derek. In honor of the announcement yesterday of Scratch: Ultimate DJ, I'm working on Nice Bunny's DJ. It's probably going to take me a while to finish building it, it's a big one. I'll put pictures up as I finish pieces.

1 comment:

Jeff Z said...

Thanks for honoring the Scratch game - I was just working on it last week, before they laid me off, heh. :)