
Clothing woes

I have a new pet peeve....

I am size-less. I'm quickly discovering the futility of trying to find any worthwhile clothes online. Most sites cater to the 'normal' sizes, which range from 4 or 6 to 11 or 12. Sites that cater to 'plus size' women, however, run from size 16 and up....

My problem? I'm a 14. Too big to find clothes on normal sites. Too small to find anything on plus size sites. Complete bullshit.

All I want is a fucking mini-skirt, people!


New projects!

So, a lot is happening at work right now. My last project has (finally!) submit, and I'm (finally!) moving onto something new. Unfortunatly, it's a little crazy right now, so I have periods of intense activity interspersed with periods of intense boredom.

Since it's nearly the begining of the the month, I thought it might help to lay out some of my goals for projects to start/finish by the end of this month:

Game concept, along with finished concept art
Jason's tattoo
My tattoo
Three new pieces of artwork, fully colored
Five new pieces of artwork, line art
No less than 3 new pieces of artwork, roughed out
Finished prologue (6 pages) of my manga, fully colored

So, essentially, I have to finally get off my ass and finish some shit.


As the RNC draws to a close, I find myself discussing politics with new people - Co-workers, friends, and family - People I didn't realize had an interest in politics. It's been a rewarding experience, and I've done my best to keep an open and unbiased mindset, even when discussing opinions I don't share.

I have a few things to put forward for consideration, however, and I hope that those I am offending take into account that I'VE ALSO been listening to your propaganda, and giving it a fair chance.


Palin has LIMITED experience. You can't be hypocritical about this and not expect backlash. Throughout the entire campaign process, you've been hammering the fact that Obama has no experience. With a combined experience of around 10 years at a state and national level, I don't really understand the attack, but so be it. I'll accept that you don't think he's done anything worthwhile. Fine. But now you're pulling out a woman (and believe me, there will be more on this in a minute) who has a total of SIX eight YEARS experience on a state level. And don't try and give me that crap about "executive experience". By that standard, your presidential candidate has no experience either.


It is not 'sexist' to question Palin on her experience, her qualifications, her policies, or her actions in office previous to her nomination. It IS sexist to assume that she cannot be a mother and a politician and a leader. But NOT if you include her years raising children as relative experience for how she will perform as a Vice President. If her being a mother isn't relevant to her candidacy, then no, we shouldn't be questioning that a mother of five, including a new-born (special needs or not), would put her family second in order to hold a public office. But saying being a mother gives her experience to lead, while at the same time she will have to let her family fall to the side, is only going to reflect badly on her. Personally, I don't believe family should come into the argument at all. But since you want to raise the subject so badly (And here I will admit that the Democrats do the same thing...Seriously, people! Just leave the fucking kids OUT of it! We're looking at your qualifications to run our country! Not what pretty babies your sperm/eggs make!), let's raise it. If she's bringing her family into the limelight with her, how does that reflect on her as a mother? All I'm saying is, if I had a child, and forced them into the national eye for my own personal gain, my parents would wonder where they went wrong. I have no respect for people who do that, whether they are political, celebrity, or just living their dreams through their child.


Don't try to distract me from what I believe in by putting forward Palin as running mate simply because she is female. Having a vagina is the only thing we have in common. And hopefully all the other intelligent women of this nation will recognize the move for what it is. Having a female VP for the first time in our nation's history is a huge deal. I understand that. But is it worth having your sense of 'moral right' and ideas of 'security' imposed on us?

I am tired of living in a nation that governs it's people with fear and hypocrisy. And I hope others will stand beside me on Nov. 4 and vote not for what candidate's race or sex will make the most lasting historical impact, but for they need as an individual, and what we need as a nation.

Less bullshit.


Blogging for the sake of it

It begins...

I need an outlet for my ideas, my rants, my dreams,

basically every random thing that pops in my head...

and this is it. I pity the fool that actually reads it.