

Convention in SF in a couple of days, and I'm not going. I really wish I was, but after my failed vacation, and all the shit that went down with that, there's not enough time for me to hit it. Still, I'm hoping Abney Park will tour their way down here to LA so I can see them. I highly recommend them, if only for the fact that they may be drunken airship pirates, but at least they're honest about it.

I still don't know what I'm gonna pull together for Halloween, but I'll figure something out. If I don't have to do a lot of walking around, I might even consider wearing my new shoes. We'll see.



So, I've been spending all my free time this week working on papercraft projects. I've gotten pretty good, I think, mostly because I'm a perfectionist about cutting. I'll try to post some pictures of the one's I've done next week, or possibly even today. Depends on if I feel like dragging out my iPhone cable or not.

So far I've build Derek the Toast Ninja, Rommy-02, and Stubey. They look okay, though I could be a lot happier with Derek. In honor of the announcement yesterday of Scratch: Ultimate DJ, I'm working on Nice Bunny's DJ. It's probably going to take me a while to finish building it, it's a big one. I'll put pictures up as I finish pieces.